Oct 19, 2010

wow its .....

Been this long what can we say ...... winter sucks like arse ! or maybe we aint the inter web folkies we thought we were ? or we just dont have time or poss cant be arsed ?
so glad we got that sorted, whats been going on ? well funk all really ! just trying to get new designs out for summer so do keep an eye on us for more shocking and good stuff to come.
but for now we have to say another big thanks to Jay Bulletproof for repping us even on the Red Bull Live sessions ..... wow looked good so good we decided to try and share it all with ya, all nine episodes so here goes !
and a big thank you to Clothesline for selling so many t's over winter and Triple One. but mosts of aallll yous cheers !
and in Dog We Trust !
p.s bring on the summer ..... please

Oh and also a big big congrats to Jay for getting the VNZMA 2010 for best electronic album .....

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