May 9, 2010


Well we are busy as in the lab and have a new t-shirt out very soon, ! ! also we are selling on the net which is slowly getting better, prob because we have now updated the link properly so IT KNOW WORKS (go on try it we dare ya !) so what else ummm oh yes and helping a friend of ours open there new shop, still lots to do but we got the new floor down and varnished so a lick of paint here and there and BANG NEW SHOP !, And bonus you will also be able to buy our stuff from there here in Auckland so once its up and running we will tell you were to go ...... also its been a while but coming soon a nice pictorial and interview with an awesome artist here in Aotearoa ! ! so watch this space
PEACE! ! !

P.S there the new one better pics coming soon and hoody option (a first for Dogbrothers)


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