Jan 2, 2010

2010 .....

Well Merry Christmyth to ya all and thanks for the continued support into the New Year and beyond ....
only we can FUCK IT UP ! now ha ha.
So this year we hope to be bringing more of the same, Dj profiles and Mixes and other t-shirt designers work,up and coming artist bio's etc etc and cool people we meet.
Also heaps more links of cool and funky shit to learn and do !, And we hope lots more pictures from openings galleries etc etc (if we can still get on the guest list)
and not forgetting as we GROW here in New Zealand more shops for you to go and buy our t-shirts up and down the length of Aotearoa !......

Wellington here we come ! !........... (IF YOU WILL HAVE US ? ?)

And we are trying to sort out a deal at the moment with a really good web based store,
Who are keen to sell our stuff to the world.
They have heaps of coooooool shit for you to spend your Christmyth bonuses on,
So when we have finished nutting that one out it means prob some of you who are looking at this for the 1st time from around the world would have done that ? thanks to this move forward ? so its all happening in 2010.
thanks again and..


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