Oct 15, 2009

whats been going on ! !

well its been a while but we have been tweeting ...... but we must admit a tad less than normal http://twitter.com/dogbrothers
so what now ? were have ya gone ? why why ?
these are all the questions you should be asking ! !, well the answer is simple really its been winter and we have had the blues ....BUT NOW WERE BACK ! !
just sorting out the new ish part of the range and re printing the already popular parts so check ya local stockists and to be honest ask them flat out "HAVE YA GOT ANY DOGBROTHERS ?"
so here are a few pics we gathered over the winter things we done and places we went like NZ Fashion week bitches (you have to admit at least we havent gone on about what we did etc when it was going on like everyone else) wink wink so hold in there ? the stickers will soon be seen around town again which will help jog ya memories..
speak soon
p.s fuck it the photos are coming soon

p.p.s fuck its done see below

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