Jun 8, 2011

City Prints

So we are big lovers of the Filmore era of Prints and even to the modern day stuff like Obey and Derick Hess etc etc oh fuck it we will even admit to loving Banksy and his go do it get up style .... so we are trying in our own way to follow in such great legends foot steps to do our own little bit !
we only have a couple of pics right now but more will follow of us  putting up ...
(its hard to return to the scene of the crime) ha ha

this is a bit of a leader as we are also working on our AP's at the mo on a limited edition paper print run of this design which is mixed media (spray can and print) limited to only 40 here in New Zealand and will be sold on our friends inter web shop bizz and also as a t-shirt for you not so interested ? or those that missed out ?

so we went back and took our camera ... enjoy

just a quick point we hand printed all these prints and posted them and of course designed them (wank)

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