Jul 27, 2011

Sofia, Bulgaria Art ....

Last weekend, the citizens of Sofia, Bulgaria awoke to find a public monument to Red Army defaced by an unknown interventionist. The statues of Soviet soldiers who “liberated” Bulgaria from the Nazis in 1944 were painted as Superman, Joker, Ronald McDonald, Santa Claus, Captain America and other pop culture icons of capitalist Americana. Below it, a graffiti caption read: “In step with the times!” or “”abreast with the times!” depending on the translation. As you might guess this angered both Bulgarian and Russian officials who are actively searching for the artist some are calling the “Bulgarian Banksy”.  The clean up process on the sculpture started on Tuesday morning even though 1,700 people rallied on Facebook against removing the artists’ work.

Jul 12, 2011

Interviewed !

Well we not the type of gang to get all big headed and some of you poss already know ?
but we got interviewed a wee while ago and it feels quite good ..... to be honest with you all !
so this is what it looked like.
 and this how it went ....

Nothing beats hanging out with our favourite artists in their element producing artwork. We were at Karousel in Grey Lynn where Ean Dog works part time and prints his art & t-shirt brand Dog Brothers. You don’t realise the skill these artists have until you spend time with them doing this kind of thing. We chatted with Ean while he printed his first commercially available print “True Loathing“, a mix of stencil and screen and a super short run of just 30 (Interview continues below print making medley shoot…)

Where has your creative career taken you so far?
So far too here. …Thanks endemic, and anyone who so far has bought a Dog brothers T-shirt… but the future is a very big space.

Can you pass on any advice for others pursuing a similar career?
The T-shirt and design business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side! ! Keep it small one design at a time and most of all have fun.

Who are some of your favourite artists & designers?
This may be a long list sorry ahead of time…the late great Martin “FUCKIN” Emond, Broadmore, Dan Tippett and DLT, Otis Frizzel and Mark Weston, Trust Me also Banksy (especially the paris Hilton album rework) and anything he does that makes you think !, Obey, 3D, Vhils, Antony Micallef, Mode 2, Seen, Futura 2000, Jr, Connor Harrington, Zevs, Misery, Askew , TMD, Enu, Little Elliot and my mate Quink.

Describe your dream job?
Mmmm Fluffer on female porn sets ! (You asked).
What are you currently working on? Do you have any new and exciting projects coming up?
Slowly (ha ha) working on more limited edition prints (some may make it to T-shirts) the theme is New Zealand icons and music so watch this space.

Where did the name  Dog Brothers come from?
We were looking around on you tube and found a fighting group called Dog brothers there main thing was about self defense but when you looked closer it was brother hood and about respecting your opponent so we thought the last bit was a bit of us, so part of our aim is to help promote other would be artist such as Dj’s or graphic, clothing labels etc, so on our web site we post other peoples work and links. ”Even cage fighters who beat the living shit out of each other, still hug the looser and respect there efforts” a bit like how life should be.

What do you like most about being an artist/designer/making prints?
The free time.

What else do you do?
I am currently employed part time at Karousel screen printers, printing textile i.e. T-shirts etc for bands like Fat Freddy’s , Tiki and the list goes on etc etc.

What are your 5 favourite things?
My girlfriend my major support unit (couldn’t do half of it with out her x)
My art print collection, Obey, Otis Frizzell, Martin “F” Emond, Misery, Coop etc
Music at the mo Dj Dub Head, Dj Printor and J-Star
Italian home cooked food
Red Wine mmmmmm

What website do you spend most of your web time on?

What are your tools? black fine tip biro pen/ 21″mac/ go pro?
Start’s in my head then Pencils or Pen rough as sketches (which to most would make no sense) then talking to friends they listen and help me see the bigger picture and then my trusty 17” power book oh and now stencils and spray paint and lots of ink…

Jul 3, 2011

The Nextmen

A little about ...
Unless you have fallen lifeless somewhere thru the cracks you’ve more than likely witnessed Cambridge come Londoners The Nextmen, also known as Brad Baloo and Dom Search, at one of their many sweaty styled-out club sets, festival-smashing performances or heard their incendiary mixtapes, some just days old and some many years since they were recorded, that are still filling the ears of the blissed out masses who just want to kick back or kick up with big boss tunes, not wipe the irony from their chins from the up-chuck of resoundingly vapid faux counter-culture buffoonery. All mouth poser twats with limited social agendas beware - The Nextmen are not the centre of cool for the next five minutes. Beloved the globe over by dedicated followers of music not dedicated followers of fashion? Yep. Loving of the good groove irrespective of genre but not of taste? Yep. The all day every day no-brainer block rocking choice? Natch.

This eclectic production duo continue to carve up shiny gems from London’s lovely low-end underbelly with albums, singles, mixes, remixes, podcasts, DJ sets and live shows, blending anything worth listening to from all electronic music styles. Making this connection between music they love be it dancehall, drum’n’bass, dubstep, reggae, roots, instrumental and actual hip hop, soul and soulful low-end boomp, funk & (UK) funky, indie, leftfield, ambient, pop and straight-up party jacking pleasers, is something Baloo and Search always strive to achieve, weaving their way on 4 turntables with mastery and abandon, all laced up with their own sought after mash-up edits, bootlegs and specials.

The Nextmen in long-form and for those unversed, here’s a quick champion-style summary (shouts to Bill Brewster for the insightful extractions):

Dom (real name: Dominic Betmead) and Brad (real name: Brad Ellis) joined forces when Brad blagged a remix for London Posse and realised he didn’t have any kit with which to do it. In stepped Dom with his Roland S10 and not much else. “The track was called Style,” chips in Dom, “But it put us on the map. Everybody loved it. Radio 1 got hold of it.”“It was 75 bpm and really pedestrian,” deadpans Brad. “Fucking terrible.” Terrible or not, London Posse’s Style had something about it, not least the MCing skills of the posse’s Rodney P, with whom The Nextmen have subsequently enjoyed a long working relationship. In 2000, The Nextmen released their debut album Amongst The Madness on the revered 75 Ark imprint. Originally intended to be a Mo’ Wax-style instrumentals album, their label began sending the beats out to rappers in the States and before they knew it, The Nextmen were hip hop producers, working with Public Enemy, Blackalicious, The Pharcyde and Morcheeba. Get Over It, 2003’s sophomore album for Scenario, confirmed their position as one of the UK’s brightest beatmakers. The changes in Nextmen direction over the years – if they could even be described as such – grew out of their DJ sets, as they found the space to integrate the outer reaches of their record collections. It was an organic change, but one that was driven by their outlook: “As a clubber, I want to go out and hear varied styles of music,” says Dom “I don’t want to hear one kind of music all night.” This shift in approach found an echo in the studio too, firstly with reggae compilation Blunted In The Backroom, which they completed for the label Antidote. This was a headlong plunge into the depths of the Trojan catalogue, but re-wired by the Nextmen for the now. It was so successful, Antidote commissioned their third studio album, This Was Supposed to be The Future which featured collaborations with Sway, Fat Freddy’s Drop vocalist Dallas, Zarif, Alice Russell, Dynamite MC, Chicago’s own Kidz In The Hall, Jamaican legends Niney The Observer and Demolition Man, and LSK from Faithless. Their fourth studio LP moved them to a major with ‘Join The Dots’ on Universal following on in 2009 and in typical Nextmen fashion the game was sonically upped to dizzying heights as ‘Join The Dots’ progressed like a paint by numbers prayer of affection through all the genres and styles loved by the pair and their fans alike. The album was born from their explosive and eclectic DJ sets, those being the focus of the duo's global critical acclaim over the last 12 years.

More studio records, a podcast series, a pop-up party tour and plenty more are to come in 2011, all set to mark a reflection and reaction to what The Nextmen have done and can do as DJs and fast forward follow ups to their back catalogue as producers. Get your ears open and ready.

So if all that is not enough info ? go head over to there blog follow download stuff and producers ? can even up load ! ! ! ! !

Link: Nextmen


Link: Bestival mix 2011

Jun 22, 2011

Mr Nice

we loved the book and we thought this day would never come !

Dennis Howard Marks (born 13 August 1945) is a Welsh author, former teacher and drug smuggler who achieved notoriety as an international cannabis smuggler through high-profile court cases, supposed connections with groups such as the CIA, the IRA, MI6, and the Mafia, and his eventual conviction at the hands of the American Drug Enforcement Administration. At the height of his drug career, he was said to have controlled 10% of the world's hashish trade.

He currently lives in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England. He is also a fluent Welsh speaker.

Link: Mr Nice

Jun 18, 2011

City Prints x2

Jun 8, 2011

City Prints

So we are big lovers of the Filmore era of Prints and even to the modern day stuff like Obey and Derick Hess etc etc oh fuck it we will even admit to loving Banksy and his go do it get up style .... so we are trying in our own way to follow in such great legends foot steps to do our own little bit !
we only have a couple of pics right now but more will follow of us  putting up ...
(its hard to return to the scene of the crime) ha ha

this is a bit of a leader as we are also working on our AP's at the mo on a limited edition paper print run of this design which is mixed media (spray can and print) limited to only 40 here in New Zealand and will be sold on our friends inter web shop bizz and also as a t-shirt for you not so interested ? or those that missed out ?

so we went back and took our camera ... enjoy

just a quick point we hand printed all these prints and posted them and of course designed them (wank)